Welcome to the house of #hardCORE- a place where good vibes, sweat, confidence and determination will lead you.
#hardCORE makes the world of strength training fun and easy to access. This home is where we want to build strength for a strong foundation to ultimately become the healthiest versions of ourselves.
Repeat after me- this home is where we WORK OUT FOR OUR HEALTH. All of the other benefits from exercising are wonderful, but here we are HEALTH CENTRIC. We want to improve your cardiovascular health, increase your strength, enhance your balance and endurance and really boost your overall confidence.
How do we do this?
The #hardCORE calendar, baby! My calendar has been a beautiful tool that I have developed the past 4+ years. Taking into account time constraints and fitness level, I have been able to create a super solid strength plan that is welcoming to EVERYONE. *You can find the FAQ and “how to use” the calendar here.
I have found that people thrive under direction in a fitness plan, but also enjoy to have choices in their journey. My “choose your own adventure” approach to the calendar does just that. You pick classes you want daily and you can feel confident that your choices are YOURS and every little bit of movement will help you GROW and THRIVE.
Within my studies, I really tried to work the National Academy of Sports Medicine’s (“NASM”) Optimum Performance Training method integrating all types of strength training: balance, stability, endurance, hypertrophy, and max strength.
I often get asked why barre? Why yoga? Why Pilates? What the heck do these practices have to do with strength? My answer- EVERYTHING! These modalities have everything to do with foundational strength. Can you build a house without a steady foundation? Negative. You cannot build strength without your foundation either. As our journey continues, I will write more blogs about all of these practices and share tidbits monthly with you, so make sure to signup for my newsletters!
Thank you all for being here and please know that I truly appreciate every single effort you make to benefit your health and happiness.
As we get older the risk of falling increases. This may sound silly now, but time goes by and habits take time to make and break. this is something that with proper training, while weaving in a healthy lifestyle we can!